Marketing Julie Zhang Marketing Julie Zhang

Saving Time and Resources With User-Generated Marketing Content

Many businesses are currently unsure of what the future holds and how their businesses can adjust to the difficult disruptions of the coronavirus. During this time, companies are facing challenges and confronting a multitude of changes, often pivoting business plans or implementing cost-cutting strategies, while also brainstorming ways to develop and strengthen future avenues of growth. While companies are facing internal challenges, they are also forced to confront external communications and client-facing interactions. It is more important than ever for companies to build strong connections with their customers through content marketing that is situationally sensitive, yet forward-looking.

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Marketing Ajay Dayal Marketing Ajay Dayal

Reevaluating Customer Preferences With Revitalized Marketing Channels

Marketing in the time of coronavirus is a delicate balance - customers want the businesses they know to guide them through their new lifestyles, but without “exploiting” the crisis to sell their products. Navigating the current marketing landscape will require businesses to reevaluate what they know about the customer, reconsider the channels they use to reach customers, and shift the focus of their marketing communications.

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